Showing 1 - 25 of 47 Results
Eastern Liturgies by Brightman, F. E. ISBN: 9781931956567 List Price: $68.00
Liturgies Eastern And Western: Being The Texts Original Or Translated Of The Principal Litur... by Hammond, C. E., Brightman, ... ISBN: 9781169899650 List Price: $65.95
Coptic ostraca: from the collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, the Cairo Museum and others by W E. 1865-1944 Crum, F E. 1... ISBN: 9781172944477 List Price: $26.75
Liturgies, Eastern and Western, Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Litu... by Brightman, F. E. 1856-1932,... ISBN: 9781177697750 List Price: $50.75
The English rite: being a synopsis of the sources and revisions of the Book of Common Prayer by F E. 1856-1932 Brightman ISBN: 9781172707294 List Price: $49.75
Eastern Liturgies by Brightman, F. E. ISBN: 9781593331184 List Price: $88.00
Liturgies Eastern and Western Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Liturg... by Hammond, C. E., Brightman, ... ISBN: 9781432626839 List Price: $65.95
Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester by Andrewes, Lancelot, Brightm... ISBN: 9781177757553 List Price: $37.75
English Rite : Being a Synopsis of the Sources and Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer Vo... by Brightman, F. E. (Frank Edw... ISBN: 9781407724843 List Price: $39.95
Liturgies, Eastern and Western, Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Litu... by Brightman, F. E. (Frank Edw... ISBN: 9781290071369 List Price: $39.95
Liturgies, Eastern and Western, Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Litu... by C E. 1837-1914 Hammond, F E... ISBN: 9781296577391 List Price: $32.95
Liturgies, Eastern and Western, Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Litu... by Hammond, C. e. 1837-1914, B... ISBN: 9781295752430 List Price: $50.75
Liturgies, Eastern and Western, being the texts original or translated of the principal litu... by C E. 1837-1914 Hammond, F E... ISBN: 9781294996262 List Price: $50.75
English Rite : Being a Synopsis of the Sources and Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer; V... by Brightman, F. E. (Frank Edw... ISBN: 9781362241423 List Price: $33.95
English Rite : Being a Synopsis of the Sources and Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer; V... by Brightman, F. E. (Frank Edw... ISBN: 9781362241409 List Price: $24.95
The preces privatae of Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester - Scholar's Choice Edition by Lancelot Andrewes, F E. 185... ISBN: 9781295995639 List Price: $37.75
Coptic Ostraca: From the Collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, the Cairo Museum and Others by Crum, W. E. 1865-1944, Brig... ISBN: 9781354270004 List Price: $25.95
The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes: Bishop of Winchester (Classic Reprint) by Brightman, F. E., F. E. Bri... ISBN: 9781331748823 List Price: $16.57
The English Rite, Vol. 1: Being a Synopsis, of the Sources and Revisions, of the Book of Com... by Brightman, F. E., F. E. Bri... ISBN: 9781331817598 List Price: $20.97
The Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrews - F. E. Brightman - Hardcover by Andrewes, Lancelot, Brightm... ISBN: 9780844615349 List Price: $25.75
Liturgies Eastern and Western : Being the Texts Original or Translated of the Principal Litu... by Hammond, C. E., Brightman, ... ISBN: 9781162938493 List Price: $40.76
English Rite : Being a Synopsis of the Sources and Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer by Brightman, F. E. 1856-1932 ISBN: 9781340823061 List Price: $32.95
Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester - Primary Source Edition by Andrewes, Lancelot, Brightm... ISBN: 9781293750971 List Price: $37.75
Christian Platonists of Alexandria : Being the Bampton Lectures of the Year 1886 by Bigg, Charles 1840-1908, Br... ISBN: 9781014386892 List Price: $20.95
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